It was good to hear this week that Belgium now have activators ready to go in the World Flora Fauna programme. The ONFF numbers cover around 18 different National Parks and Nature reserves in Belgium and congratulations to Gino ON3SSB for his appointment as ONFF’s Co-ordinator for the programme.
I don’t believe any of these numbers have yet been activated so along with the GFF team, ONFF have plenty of ‘new ones’ to give away. Please keep an ear to the radio and an eye on the cluster and when you hear the ONFF team please give them their support.
Winter is fast approaching and all WFF activators need your support and encouragement to get wrapped up on a freezing cold day to activate these areas on our behalf. If anyone reading this blog has any interest in activating new areas (whichever Country you are in) please contact either myself, Gino or any other WFF representative and we can give you all the information you require.
Have a good weekend and batten down the hatches until the storms pass at the end of next week!
73 de Charles