Archive - October 2019

Pitcairn Dxpedition


Sept. 29, 2019: We are pleased to announce our pilot station network for the Pitcairn Island DXpedition. Our pilot station system is in place to relay your reports, concerns, and advise to us through our pilot stations. Initially, the information most important to us will be when we are being heard in your area. This is especially true if there are openings to more than one geographical area at the same time and one of those areas has strong signals that obscure stations calling from the other areas. We need to attend to those weaker signals and your reports will help us do that.

With time your band and mode needs will be relayed to us through our system. Constructive criticism is welcome as well.

Our system is somewhat “Eurocentric,” with north, south, east, and western Europe each having a representative in our system. We do this because needs for a VP6 contact are greater in Europe and European signals may be “under” stronger signals from other geographical areas.

Our chief and North American pilot is Jerry, WB9Z. He will be supported by JJ3PRT, OG2M, R7LV, G3XTT, EA3AKP, IK0FVC, NP4G, ZS1C, and ZL3IO. Please go to our Pilots and Off-Island Team Members page for more details.
We want you in our log and we want you to have fun working us.



Earth from Saturn

saturn and eartth

No words!



















As NASA goes forward to the Moon and on to Mars, new opportunities to learn about the Sun-Earth connection abound.

But it’s not just basic science. The Sun’s influence fills the space around us — the very space that future #Artemis astronauts will have to navigate and understand.

All about it:










N5C & K5P


N5C Cat Island (Mississippi)
K5P Isle au Pitre (Louisiana)

Both teams under the IREF umbrella are doing a great job since they became simultaneously active yesterday from both Islands. Great signals on 20, 30 and 40M here is the UK.

Good luck to all who need the islands!

IREF – Island Radio Expedition Foundation



6O7O Somalia

6O7O 3

The QSL Card for this trip has been sent to the Print Shop at UX5UO QSL Print – Tnx Gennady!

Please request your card on the link below and remember, any donations will go directly to Kens humanitarian fundraising. You can donate here;

Logsearch & Qsl Card requests






Folks from all of us at A35JT it has been a pleasure bringing this DXpedition to you. We just went out with a bang on 17m calling Europe, Japan and everywhere. We have made over 15000 contacts and worked over 132 DXCC entities since arriving in the Kingdom of Tonga 2 weeks ago. Thanks everyone for your support, encouragement and most of all your contact with us in one of SSB, FT8, CW, PSK, RTTY or EME.

A special thank you to our sponsors and donors too. Without your help we would not have made it to Tonga in the first place. In particular a hige thank you to EUDXF, GDXF, SDXF, CDXC-F, CDXC-UK, RSGB, SpiderBeam, RF Solutions (Brisbane), HF Radio Solutions (Riverland), Messi & Paoloni, UX5UO Print and the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group. We must also thank our off island team, Charles M0OXO our QSL Manager, Bjorn ON9CFG our chief pilot, and our regional pilots in Steve N2AJ, Joe JJ0PRT, Ricardo PY2PT, Jim AC3EZ and Chris VK5SA. Without that off island support a project like this is much harder to achieve.

To the EME community a huge thank you too for your support and faith that a couple of EME novices could pull off EME from a remote south Pacific nation. It has been a privilege to attempt 6m EME communications for the very first time from Tonga (A3). Thank you for your support of us in attempting this.

Finally, a full report will be prepared shortly. Meanwhile it is dark here already and we have 12 hours to complete tear-down, pack-up and get our equipment to the freight handlers, and ourselves to the airport. Time to go and load the last cases.

73 all from the team at A35JT – Grant VK5GR, Oly VK5XDX, Andy VK5AKH, Steve VK5SFA, Sharon VK5FSAW and Amelia…