Archive - June 2019

3rd Place Dxpeditioner of the Year – EI9FBB


Whilst in Friedrichshafen Ham Fair, germany this last week, it gave me great pleasure to be able to Award one of the recent IREF Trophies for the Dxpeditioner of the Year 2018.

First and second place Plaques had already been awarded to Cezar Trifu VE3LYC and Mike Zavarukhin VE7ACN respectivley at Dayton but the third place trophy had not been awarded.

After successful activations of Djerba Island (AF-083) as 3V8CQ, The Irish Islands IOTA Tour (EU-006, EU-007, EU-103, EU-115 & EU-121) AS EJ0DXG and the first activation of the new IOTA Group which included Vieques Island in Puerto Rico (NA-249N), third place was awarded to Dave Deane EI9FBB.


Almost certainly the UK’s most high profile activator of IOTA’s, the third place was indeed good recognition of Dave’s success.

Please check out the IREF website, DXpeditions to rare Islands need our support!


IOTA – New Groups


AS-206 JA0, 1, 2, 7Honshu’s Coastal Islands East, Japan (qualifying islands to be added from Directory for these prefixes) 33o43–41o35N 136o00–142o15E.A new group, created by splitting the current AS-117 Honshu’s Coastal Islands in accordance with the ‘large island’ criterion that allows more than one coastal island group.There has been considerable activity from both groups.The entry/title of AS-117 Honshu’s Coastal Islands has been changed toJA3, 4, 9 Honshu’s Coastal Islands West with the above-mentioned islands transferred to AS-206 and its co-ordinates box changed to 33o24–37o54N 130o00–137o38E.

AS-207 R0K Chukchi Sea Coast Centre group, Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug, Russia –Asia (=Kosa Dvukh Pilotov) 68o08–69o27N 178.00E-177.00W Valid for the Arctic Islands Award.New ‘unofficial/coastal island group’, created by splitting the current AS-174 Chukchi Sea Coast West group. There has been no known previous amateur radio activity.This island does not currently appear in the listing for AS-174 Chukchi Sea Coast West group although it did many years back (it was deleted for lack of a map). The latter’s new coordinates will be 69o27–70o00N 172.30-178.00E but the name will not be changed.

OC-298 FO Tatakoto Atoll, Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia (=Tatakoto) 17o15–17o25S 138o11–138o35W. New ‘remote island group’. This island was previously part of OC-066 Tuamotu Archipelago but is separated from the other islands in this large group by at least 154 km. There have been some four previous operations.Tatakoto will be deleted from OC-066 Tuamotu Archipelago without any change to the latter’s group name or co-ordinates.

OC-299 V6 Yap East group, State of Yap, FSM (=Elato, Lamotrek, Olimarao, Pikelot, Satawal, West Fayu) 07o15–08o15N 145o40–147o45E. New ‘remote island group’. These islands were previously part of OC-132 East Yap group but are separated from the remaining islands in that group by at least 160.5 km. There has been no known previous amateur radio activity.These islands will be deleted from OC-132 East Yap group which will now consist of Eauripik, Faraulep, Gaferut, Ifalik and Woleaiand be renamed as Yap Centre group. Its new coordinates will be 6o35–9o20N 142o55–145o40E.

OC-300 T31 McKean and Nikumaroro Atolls,Phoenix Islands, Central Kiribati, Kiribati (=McKean, Nikumaroro) 02o30–05o00S 173o00–174o50W. New ‘remote island group’. These islands were previously part of OC-043 Phoenix Islands but are separated from the remaining islands in that group by at least 230 km. There has been no known previous amateur radio activity.These islands will be deleted from OC-043 Phoenix Islands which will now consist of Birnie, Enderbury, Kanton, Manra, Orona and Rawaki.The latter’s new coordinates will be 02o30–05o00S 170o25–173o00W.

SA-101 CE0 Alejandro Selkirk Island, Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile (=Alejandro Selkirk) 33º35–33º55S080º35–081º00W. New ‘remote island group’. This island was previously part of SA-005 Juan Fernandez Archipelago but is separated from the remaining islands in that group by some 159 km. There has been no known previous amateur radio activity. This island will be deleted from SA-005 group which will now consist of Robinson Crusoe and Santa Clara and be renamed as Juan Fernandez Archipelago(Robinson Crusoe Island). Its new coordinates will be 33º30–33º50S 078º40–079º05W.

IOTA Management Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ltd



Requesting Satellite Confirmations

K800 M0OXO Logo 2016

Anyone that requires a QSL Card confirmation for any of any customers that use Satellite QSO’s please read on.

Most of the 4.5 million QSO’s in the OQRS database contain HF information and the QSL Labels have been designed accordingly.

Satellite QSO’s need more specific information that the normal label offers so if you request a confirmation for a Satellite QSO, please email as well as making the request. If I receive the email then I can produce the information you require manually on the label in the ”free text” portion which will fulfill your needs
for any Satellite Awards.

If in doubt please ask…… Thanks…


3G1DX SA-100


3G1DX Team planning to be active from Pajaros Rocks, IOTA SA – 100, 18 – 20 October 2019, if there will be problem with of swells, 21 – 23 October 2019.

They will operate SSB, CW.




3D2CR Conway Reef


The 3D2CR logs (22,703 QSOs) have been uploaded to Club Log and are now available, as is OQRS at

Yesterday multiple people, who were sponsors, reported seeing their QSOs confirmed via LoTW.

As the 3D2CR Team are not members of any Society, they will not respond to any Qsl Card Bureau requests whatsoever.


JW/EA3NT Svalbard

JW 1 png

Just a reminder that Christian EA3NT will be qrv (with Col JW/OJ0Y) as JW/EA3NT from Svalbard (IOTA EU-026)

Both Ops are currently on Svalbard operating currently on 20m SSB.

**Please note, I am only QSL Manager for JW/EA3NT Callsign**