I was born in the 1960’s and have lived all my life in the Coal Mining Town of Barnsley in South Yorkshire, Northern England. My parents were all from this area of Yorkshire and my father worked in the main Industry of the local Collieries as a face worker. I have been married to my wife Debbie for 35+ years and we have two children and two grandchildren.
All Amateurs started their hobbies through different veins and I was no different. I started in the early 70’s listening to the common Broadcast Stations of the time such as Radio Luxembourg, Caroline, VOA and the other ‘usual suspects’ of that era.
I have been licensed for around 20 years after my interest was re-kindled when I retired from the Police Force The latter few years were spent as Radio Operator in the Force Control Room at Sheffield, South Yorkshire before my career ended.
I was pleased to be endorsed in the ”Encyclopedia of Ham Radio” a few Years ago and there, joined many of the well known Callsigns from Countries World-wide in this amazing production.
I am a keen Photographer of Wildlife as well as having a big interest in Aviation #avgeek. Photography of Planes is a big part of my spare time which I enjoy very much.
IOTA chasing is (and always has been) my real passion, as climbing the ladder to reach Honour Roll status was always my main aim. The 1000 Islands Trophy is still out of reach but I am heading in the right direction. My home life keep my activities close to home nowadays but I have activated several UK Islands over the years such as Holy Island (EU-120), Ramsey Island (EU-124), Farnes Islands (EU-109), Caldey island (EU-124) , Les Minquiers Islands (EU-099) and the Arran Islands in EI (EU-006) with not much interest in going further afield I have to say. Photo’s can be seen in the Gallery or on the My Dxpeditions pages. I also had the opportunity in 2018 to operate from Moscow in Russia. I spent several days with Igor RA3CQ and his beautiful family before heading South to Orel for the Russian Robinson Club’s 25th Anniversary (see photo at top of this page). I am the current IOTA Awards manager and a Board Member.
I spend a lot of time Qrv with the antics of my friends in the Strumble Head Amateur Radio Klub in Pembrokeshire (MC0SHL / MW9W)…..S.H.A.R.K. and I am also kept very busy as the UK/European contact for UX5UO Qsl Card Printers in the Ukraine. Working on behalf of Gennady and Julia I find very rewarding (see link on the toolbar).
Of course I am more well known for my QSL Service for which I have over 700 Logs on my OQRS System. Here is an extract from an article published in the JARL Magazine in July 2019;
”One of the first major ‘customers’ who approached me was Robert 3B9FR. There can’t be many readers who have not worked Robert on Rodrigues Island as he is the only licensed Operator on this DXCC and IOTA. Robert had previously had some issues with other Managers and was looking for help. Again Neville G3NUG had already met Robert when the FSDXA did their 2004 Dxpedition to Rodrigues Island so he told me what to expect and of course I spoke to Robert who, at that time was still using a Paper Log system. Robert is very active! He was on the air every single time I looked at the Cluster and every few days he would send me paper log extracts with 500/2000 QSO’s on them several times a week!
I would receive his logs, type them into my PC Logging Software and this could easily take a full day at least and sometimes not be completed before his next logs arrived. After several months (and manually adding over 100,000 QSO’s from Paper Logbooks to my PC Log!) I could not cope anymore, it was impossible. I approached Robert about using a PC Log at his side on Rodrigues. He wasn’t too keen at first but eventually he started to use a basic system and life again was manageable. Of course we had a few logs that went wrong or got deleted but overall the system was working well after about 12 months and still today, things are going smoothly. When the Bands are in good shape, Robert can work several thousand QSO’s each week, he barely sleeps and must be one of the most active Hams on the Bands and it has been a pleasure to work with him over the Years”.
Recent QSL Management has included;
3B7C, 3B9C, 3Y0K, 3D2Y, FW5JG, 5V7EI, 6Y7EI, 7O8AD, 7P8LB, 7Q7EI, J79U, 9N7EI A25UK, 3C7A, 3D2Y, 3Y0J, 3Y0K, 3Y0L, 4E8T, 5V7EI, 7O8AD, 7P8LB, 7P8EI, 9G2DX, 9N7EI, A25UK, D44TWO, DU1UD/8,
I encourage any DXpedition Team or DX Operators that need a QSL Manager to contact me and discuss their options.”
Charles M0OXO
(Updated – January 2020)