Archive - February 2021

NL0H St Lawrence Island, Alaska

Well, after the first lot of cards entered the UK on the 8th December, somehow Royal Mail managed to lose them (despite them having a Tracking Number). I then had the cards re-printed and the second journey seemed to take an eternity but, they finally arrived yesterday.
I did do the LOTW upload some weeks ago so at least most of you would have got the match via the LOTW/IOTA QSO Matching system (NA-040) by now but for anyone still awaiting the card, all Direct requests for traditional Paper Cards will be out in tomorrow’s mail.
My sincere apologies for the delay, any queries drop me a line please.

VK5IR Adelaide, South Australia

Theo VK5IR will be the next station making his Cards available via M0OXO Qsl Service. Theo, a resident of Adelaide, South Australia will make his logs available on M0OXO OQRS in the coming days.
New Qsl cards are currently being printed by UX5UO Qsl Print and they will be available in due course.

3B8M Mauritius 2021

G0CKV and KX7M are planning to operate in this year’s CQ WW DX CW Contest, 27th-28th November, again using the Callsign 3B8M as a multi-op.
There may be others joining the Team but at this stage, although flights are booked, the Team is yet to be confirmed.
Qsl via M0OXO OQRS or Direct Post Mail

ZS1SBW & ZS0RR South Africa

Shawn ‘Billy’ Williams from Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa has added his logs to the M0OXO QSL Service.
As well as his home Callsign of ZS1SBW, also added is the Roman Rock Radio Club, Callsign ZS0RR (image above Roman Rock Lighthouse).
Qsl Cards are currently being printed by UX5UO QSL Print and will be available in a few weeks time (depending on any Pandemic delays on postage).
You can search the logs and request Qsl Cards by using the Direct Links below;