Archive - July 2018

3W9JK/P Cham Island, Vietnam

SP5APW Jacek will be active as 3W9JK/P from Cham Island, IOTA AS – 162, 15 – 22 September 2018.


He will also be active as 3W9JK from Ho An, 22 – 27 September 2018.


Qsl via his home Callsign.



RT65KI AS-065



Radio Amateurs members of Russian Robinson Club will be active as RT65KI from Idlidlya Island, IOTA AS – 065, 19 – 25 August 2018.

QSL via UA3AKO, ClubLog OQRS.
Pilot – EU7A.
QTH Locator – AP37ob.
WLOTA LH – 2266.
RDA – CK – 08.

Log upload planned on daily bases via the Satcom IRIDIUM GO (TNX RL3AA).
Due to complex and expensive logistics we need your financial support. PayPal address is Please include your call sign.
For those who supported us before expedition starts RT65KI QSL cards will be mailed primary without any additional payment (of course if QSO in log!).

There were no activity from this IOTA group over the past 26 years


EJ0DXG EU-007 GT Blasket Isld


The full log from this last few days activity on Great Blasket Island has now been uploaded to M0OXO OQRS.

The Log name is ”EJ0DXG EU-007 GT BLASKET”

Qsl Cards will be prepared in the coming weeks. Look out for our next activation, we will publish more details nearer the time. In the meantime please look out for our Station EI0DXG which will be qrv from the Mainland (EU-115).

EI0DXG also counts towards the Irish Iota Tour 2018 Plaque which is available after the activation’s end in September.

Thanks for your support, 73 de the EIDXGroup (EIDXG)

Qsl via M0OXO OQRS






VP6D Update

VP6D Ducie

So far there have been no surprises, everything is on schedule.

As you may recall, we are using the same Elecraft radios and amplifiers as the recently completed KH1/KH7Z Baker Island DX-pedition. Some people were concerned that the short turnaround time could be a problem. We’re happy to report the following:

On Friday, July 20th the Baker Island Elecraft equipment was delivered to the factory in California. Elecraft will inspect, test, and refurbish the 8 K3s / KPA 500 stations.

We will also have 4 team owned high power amps for use primarily on the low bands. We will collect the equipment from Elecraft on about August 3rd. Our other equipment is already in California or will be brought to California by K3EL and K5GS.

On August 2nd Gene K5GS, Dave K3EL, Walt N6XG, Steve W1SRD, Mike WA6O and Chris N6WM will meet in Northern California to begin the process of integrating the equipment, testing and packaging for shipment to Braveheart in New Zealand. We will use the same shipping cases as KH1/KH7Z.

We will meet with members of the Baker Island team to discuss their experience, especially with FT8.

We will have 3 BGAN terminals on the island thanks to the Intrepid DX Team (Paul Ewing N6PSE) for loaning us their Hughes 9201 BGAN. The lineup will be one Wideye Sabre 1 BGAN and two Hughes 9201 units. We will integrate and test the BGANs in California. Bob Schmieder KK6EK (Cordell Expeditions) is also loaning us equipment for the project, including all the laptop computers which have been refurbished by Steve W1SRD.

While underway aboard Braveheart we will send position reports using our Garmin inReach device. From the island we’ll be posting regular updates to Twitter / Facebook, and sending Press Releases to the DX bulletins. We think the use of Twitter / Facebook will minimize the usual Internet rumors.

Unless they bring their own satellite device, team members will not have access to their personal e-mail accounts while on the ship or the island. Team member families and the Chief Pilot will have our private BGAN e-mail address during the project. We expect to send some photographs from the island but the cost of about $6(USD) per megabyte will limit the number (size) of the images.

VP6D was issued a permit by the Pitcairn Island government to collect plant and soil specimens that will be sent to the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine for their climate change research.

Financial support continues to build, with many DX foundations and clubs already onboard. We’re still waiting for a few clubs and foundations to respond to our request for support. If your club / foundation is not on our sponsorship list ( please contact the officers and ask for their support of VP6D.

In the next few weeks we will be announcing some exciting project details.

Thanks for your continued interest in VP6D.

Team Ducie 2018


PS1S SA-077

PS1S 2

Radio Amateurs members of 599 DX Group will be active as PS1S, from Santana Island, IOTA SA – 077, WLOTA L – 0714, ARLHS BRA – 062, DIB – RJ – 06, 26 – 30 July 2018.


They will operate on 80 – 10m CW, SSB, Digital modes, including activity in RSGB IOTA Contest, 28 – 29 July 2018.

QSL cards will be available via M0OXO OQRS



DX Feile 2018 – Speakers announced….

EIDXG Conference 2018

From EI9FBB – ”Delighted to add Martti Laine OH2BH to this year’s line-up of speakers at DX Féile 2018. Martti will present ‘Kosovo – a NEW DXCC entity’ along with the latest Z66X DXpedition.

Martti OH2BH completes the programme and will present alongside Don Field G3XTT, Jeremy Sheehan EI5GM, Sebastien Poulenard F5UFX, Declan Craig EI6FR, Enda Broderick EI2II and Franz Langner DJ9ZB.

Be sure not to miss this amazing DX event.

See: for full line up and www.dxfeile/bookings on how to book.”

Kudos to the EIDXG for the line up of Speakers & Entertainment at this years event!










Z66X Kosovo (FT8 Dxpedition)



From Martti OH2BH;

”The Kosovo International Friendship Consortium, Z66X, will activate Kosovo once again beginning July 19 through July 30th with emphasis on FT8 Digital from 80m through 6m and utilizing the recently released DXpedition mode version 1.9.1, downloadable from

(Please read…/k1jt/FT8_DXpedition_Mode.pdf for details on split operation).

The operators are Enda EI2II, Declan EI9HQ, Martti OH2BH, Hans PB2T, Driton Z61DX and Fehmi Z62FB.

With the success of their first FT8 activations; OJ0BH, 7Q7EI, Z61AS and recently KH1/KH7Z, it is felt that FT8 DXpedition mode needs some further activation also in Europe. Recent authorization of 6M in Kosovo will also add to this desire.

So as not to impede on the normal FT8 traffic we will operate on the following frequency’s
Band FT8 DXpedition
80 3567
40 7056
30 10131
20 14090
17 18095
15 21091
12 24911
10 28091
6 50323

QSL Z66X via OH2BH via Clublog which will be on-line throughout the operation.

We are delighted to announce that ‘Kosovo – the World’s newest DXCC entity’ along with this Z66X operation will be presented at ‘DX Féile’ – the EI DX Convention, by Martti OH2BH (September 14/15). See for full information on this unique event.
(Kudos to the EIDXG for the line up of Speakers this year!)


World Bureau Posting July 2018


If anyone wishes to make a donation to the costs of bureau shipments, you can do when you request a QSL and use the donation facility on OQRS.

Each bureau is listed as package weight in grams
Andorra 5g
Argentina 233g
Australia 198g
Austria 905g
Belarus 336g
Belgium 1,620g
Bosnia Herzegovina 132g
Brazil 360g
Bulgaria 611g
Canada 481g
Chile 15g
China 40g
Colombia 9g
Costa Rica
Croatia 1,140g
Cuba 24g
Cyprus 10g
Czech Republic 1,770g
Denmark 281g
Dominican Republic
Ecuador 15g
Estonia 60g
Faroe Islands
Falkland Islands
Finland 845g
France 2,430g
Germany 11,840g
Greece 695g
Hong Kong 17g
Hungary 1,190g
Iceland 32g
India 5g
Indonesia 59g
Italy 5,650
Ireland 108g
Israel 100g
Japan 11,440g
Kazakhstan 60g
Kuwait 5g
Latvia 152g
Lithuania 220g
Luxembourg 50g
Macedonia 26g
Malaysia 20g
Mexico 8g
Moldova 50g
Monaco 10g
Netherlands 1,420g
New Caledonia
New Zealand 74g
Norway 244g
Oman 5g
Panama 7g
Philippines 5g
Poland 3,090g
Portugal 222g
Qatar 10g
Romania 398g
Russian Fed 6,010g
Saudi Arabia
Serbia 855g
Singapore 30g
Slovenia 1,020g
Slovakia 860g
South Africa 41g
South Korea 216g
Spain 3,000
Sri Lanka
Sweden 865g
Taiwan 70g
Thailand 156g
Tunisia 5g
Turkey 37g
United Arab Emirates
Ukraine 2,890g
United Kingdom 4,190g
Uruguay 25g
Venezuela 105g
W0 – 294g
W1 – 430g
W2 – 465g
W3 – 407g
W4 – 267g
WW4 – 221g
W5 – 309g
W6 – 261g
W7 – 287g
W8 – 317g
W9 – 406g
WP3 – 43g
WL7- 11g
WH6 – 19g


JI3DST/1 Shikine Island


From Take JI3DST,

”I will be activating IOTA as follows;

A) Shikine Island (North Izu Island)
IOTA: AS-008 Shikine Island

1. Date :25 July 2018 06:00z – 30 July 2014 23:00z
2. Frq/Mode :40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6m
3. QTH :Shikine Island IOTA: AS-008

JI3DST (OP:Takeshi “TAKE” Funaki)


4. Remarks
In case of heavy rain or other condition, the operation condition
may vary..

I am QRV IOTA contest.


Please check QRZ.COM for detail.

6. e-mail JI3DST @


Best Regards,
JI3DST Takeshi “TAKE” Funaki ”

3DA0AO Swaziland


Pista HA5AO will arrive eSwatini (Swaziland) on 14 September, late afternoon.

He plans to operate during his free time between 16 – 28 September from the Mountain Inn Resort at Mbabane. He received the 3DA0AO license and an LotW certificate.

Pista will operate 80 – 10 meters using a Hustler 6 BTV vertical antenna with 17 and 12 meter add-on elements, CW, RTTY and FT8. He is bringing an Elecraft K3 with the KPA 500 amplifier. Logsearch will be available on His plans include testing a new feature of the PDXG QSL Management Platform (M0OXO OQRS/Logsearch), the uploading of QSOs in real time.

While in-country he will travel to rural areas visiting villages, schools and orphanages to deliver school supplies to orphaned children. He is interested in making a long term donation agreement to pay school fees for several orphaned children.

Pista is paying all expenses from personal funds. However he would appreciate donations through his website. Any donations received will be used only for humanitarian purposes.