MW DX Plaques

Awards currently postponed due to PayPal sanction in Russia. We hope to open requests in the near future.

 The number of HAMs is increasing from year to year around the world. At the same time the number of those who wish to add QSO with a rare country in its log is growing too. You can see by the fantastic pile ups during such expeditions. If you look at the top ten most wantwed countries in the world (clublog/mostwanted) you will notice that it’s hard to reach islands which are far from major continents. They are completely new (ATNO-all time new one) to many radio amateurs especially for those who have recently appeared on the air.

 Growth trend of budget expeditions is quite evident in the last few years, the bulk of which is a freight shipping. Therefore, holding many international expeditions is no longer possible without the assistense of different amateur radio groups, clubs, foundations, and other associations, not to mention the manufacturers of radio equipment as sponsors.

Our company is also ready to provide all possible support to the various expeditions, and the first steps have been made this summer to RI1PT (EU-188), R3RRC/0 (AS-082), R7AL/0 (AS-172), RT9K/0 (AS-203). And this is just beginning…

73 Team of Most Wanted DX.