Archive - April 2011

Qsl Cards to RSGB Bureau……


Qsl cards processed and ready for Bureau:

RA3CQ – 120
(also 67 Direct)

– 49
G4RCG – 164
MØOXO – 173 (to Japan)

Also a 2.4Kg Parcel direct to JARL

WFF payments by PayPal

Please use this page forWFF Payments ONLY!

WFF GFF Awards

GFF I, II & III  = Paypal 7 Euros.
GFF GDWW = Paypal 6 Euros
GFF ENA      = Paypal 6 Euros.
GFF HRA      = Paypal 6 Euros

If requesting 2 or more Awards, please email for reduced cost.


‘The New DX’ers Handbook’….


For any new Licence Holder or anyone new to Dx’ing, you may find this PDF document of value with some tips and pit falls to guide you through your early stages of Dxing. The document begins;

”Every accomplished DXer was a beginner at one time. This booklet contains many of the basics of successful DXing. DXing can become a lifelong passion. It is also a lot of fun!

DXing offers opportunities of personal growth in a wide variety of areas from geography, to science, to language skills. It also offers a competitive outlet for those who are so inclined.

I hope that this short handbook will give a running start to those new to our ranks.
Best regards, Bryce Anderson, K7UA

To read the document in full just click the link below.  I hope you find it of interest.

The New DX’ers Handbook by Bryce Anderson K7UA

(Image above – Nigel M0NJW and Charles M0OXO ”DX’in by Gaslight” at Les Minquiers Islands)

Royal Wedding – Special Callsigns


Ofcom today announce the use of special Callsigns and NOV’s to celebrate the Royal Wedding later this month;

Facilitating the use of special temporary Amateur call signs in respect of the Royal Wedding for Amateurs holding UK; Full Licences, Full (Reciprocal) Licences, Intermediate Licences and Foundation Licences;

1. Following a request from the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB), Ofcom has decided to permit Amateurs holding valid UK; Full Licences, Full (Reciprocal) Licences, Intermediate Licences and Foundation Licences to apply for and receive authorisation for the use of individual special temporary call signs which are linked to their existing licensed call sign.

2. The only format for the individual special temporary call sign permitted, is as follows:
Subject to prior authorisation, the existing Regional Secondary Locator in the existing call sign may be replaced by the Letter “R” except in the case where no Secondary Locator exists, the Letter “R” may be inserted as a Secondary Locator. For the avoidance of doubt, where the existing call sign commences with the digit “2”, the Secondary Locator i.e. the second character of the existing call sign (the letter “E”, “U”, “D”, “J”, “I”, “M” or “W”) may be replaced by the letter “R”.

3. The duration for use of these special temporary call signs will be from 29 April 2011 through to 9 May 2011 inclusive only.MR0OXO

4. Examples:
MØOXO is amended to MRØOXO
GM0ABC is amended to GR0ABC
2E0ABC is amended to 2R0ABC
2W0ABC is amended to 2R0ABC
2J0ABC is amended to 2R0ABC
M1ABC is amended to MR1ABC
MI0ABC is amended to MR0ABC
MD6ABC is amended to MR6ABC
MU3ABC is amended to MR3ABC

5. To facilitate the administrative process, applicants, both members and non-members of the RSGB must apply to the RSGB and on-line only, by using the following web link:

6. The RSGB will liaise with Ofcom prior to Ofcom granting the authorisations, and following which, the authorisation will be received by the applicant from the RSGB as indicated on the RSGB website. Any queries regarding the processing of the NoV must be directed in the first instance to the RSGB and not to Ofcom.

7. Early application is encouraged, as Ofcom will aim to process only those requests received by 18.00 on 26 April 2011, although timely receipt of the Notice of Variation to the Licence (NoV) by the applicant from the RSGB will also be dependent on RSGB processing time. NoVs will not be distributed after 28 April 2011.

Click here to apply for your NoV.

MRØOXO Nov applied for and LOTW Certificate already received!!!

73 de Charles

DX Code Of Conduct – 1 Year on…….


This report from the DX Code of Conduct Committee – Randy W6SJ;

We have received over 12,700 unique visitors to our website.  This is a significant accomplishment given that we have now been “in business” for just a year and our budget is zero. Over 80% of the visitors are NOT from the U.S.A. so we are achieving our goal of having this be a truly universal, international movement.

We have added more clubs and more DXpeditions who endorse the Code. Feedback from some DXpeditions suggests that we are making good progress.

We have recently developed a new logo. We should have done this a year ago but getting it translated into over 30 languages seemed more important at that time.  So here it is top left of this report.
I hope each of you will put this on your website or QRZ.COM page and use it as a link. Ideally, every DXer, particularly the ones who NEED to align their operating practices with the Code, will see it and realize how strong the support is.

To that end, it is incumbent on each of you to carry this message

1. to your HF operator friends, particularly DXers,

2. to  your club, especially if it is a DX club,

3. to your national society and encourage them to send information about the Code to their memberships and to post the logo at their society website.

Get EVERYONE to put the logo up on the web so we can increase our visibility.

We have a Power Point that is intended for use at Club meetings.  It is available with an audio track, or you can narrate it yourself.

Finally, we have a new publication at the website THE NEW DXER’S HANDBOOK by K7AU at I think you will find in enjoyable, even if you are a pro.  Tell your club about it and make sure that new members get a copy. After all, it’s an e-book and it’s free.

I want to thank the many who have written encouraging words of support to me. It means a lot to the Committee and I know this project means a lot to you too. I always am delighted to get feedback so keep the e-mails coming.  Respond to ….

For the DX Code of Conduct Committee Randy W6SJ

Qsl Cards to RSGB Bureau……


Cards on their way to the Bureau…..


346 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for KP2ZZ
203 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for V25G
231 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for KP2/G4RCG.
320 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for GBØANT.
140 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for GB4IPY.
120 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for MØOXO.
460 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for G4RCG.
140 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for GB4IPY.
67 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for ZD8UW
73 Cards to the RSGB Bureau today (04th March 2011) for VP8DMN
17 Cards Direct for PW2D.
20 Cards Direct for 4W3A.

All Bureau Cards have now been dispatched and I have none pending.