XW0LP Laos

Simon, a School Teacher in Laos has just moved to a new QTH in Luang Prabang, which has a large garden. He is also back on top band with an inverted L antenna and FT8 on 1840 KHz, (but this top band antenna is not yet optimised). He has installed an elevated quarter wave fan dipole for 40m/20m/17m/12m and 10m (15m and 6m are resonant from the other elements).
He is also authorised to use 6m because he is a resident in Laos, not a visiting tourist. This new QTH has a much clearer path to EU, which was previously all but blocked by a high hill next to my house.
Simon’s first Log is available on M0OXO OQRS now, Qsl Cards are expected in 3-4 weeks. All donations made will go to providing Text Books for Children in the Schools where Simon teaches and for other needs in the educational charity which he runs in Laos.