‘Managed’ Callsign list updated

I have just updated the list of Callsigns I manage through OQRS which includes the following on behalf of the RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain);
HM Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee (June 2022)
(70 years on Throne)
GB70D Isle of Man
GB70E England
GB70I Northern Ireland
GB70J Jersey
GB70M Scotland
GB70U Guernsey
GB70W Wales
Commonwealth Games 2022
GB22GD Isle of Man
GB22GE England
GB22GM Scotland
GB22GW Wales
GB22GI Northern Ireland
GB22GJ Jersey
GB22GU Guernsey
GB22HQ Birmingham NEC, Commonwealth Games Site, England
Qsl Cards will be available through M0OXO OQRS. Please note there may be a slight delay getting these logs collated and uploaded so please be patient!
**Please check out the individual QRZ.Com pages for more information on the locations and Certificates that will be available
for working each of the DXCC’s)**