H44R (OC-168) & H40D (OC-179)

Cezar VE3LYC is currently qrv from OC-168. An operation from Russell Islands (OC-168, Solomon Islands DXCC) was added to the one already planned from Duff Islands (OC-179, Temotu DXCC).
Russell Islands were last operated from in Feb 2001 or 17 years ago, and this IOTA group is in demand by about 94% of IOTA chasers. This addition extends the duration of the original project by a week and adds new logistical challenges
Unlike Duff, Russell islands are pretty flat, so no steep hills to obstruct various propagation paths. However, we don’t expect AC power there. These islands have been a plantation for about a century.
A labour dispute between the largest employer in the country and the respective union led to a strike in 2002. Declared illegal by the Solomon Islands High Court, the dispute hasn’t been settled to date. As such, work has never re-started, but many former employees from outside Russell set in. Given this complex socio-economical situation and the relatively short distance of the islands from Honiara, Bernhard will go on a short scouting trip to identify a suitable location for our planned activity at the end of April, as well as the possibility of resourcing locally items such power generator, batteries, etc.