From Michael G7VJR – ”I will be visiting Lord Howe island, IOTA OC-004, between 15 April and 20 April 2016. I’ll be on the HF bands, currently planning 100W and CW only, using wire verticals. Baggage allowances on the Dash-8 aircraft are limited so I am probably not going to be able to carry a linear, but I have picked a favourable north-facing QTH for QSOs with Europe and will be focusing on the radio at peak times.
Log search:
QSLs are handled by Charles, M0OXO. I will upload my log to LoTW. I do not need your QSL card so I would prefer it if you could use Clublog OQRS, to ensure you get your card without incurring any waste. See you on the bands!
See you on the bands 73 Michael G7VJR” **Clublog OQRS will be open AFTER Michael leaves the Island.