This is strictly BPSK63 contest, no other modes are allowed. The maximum output power is 100 watts. Recommended frequencies are: 160 meters (1.838 – 1.840 MHz), 80 meters (3.582 – 3.590 MHz), 40 meters (7.040 – 7.050 MHz), 20 meters (14.072 – 14.080 MHz), 15 meters (21.072 – 21.080 MHz), and 10 meters (28.072 – 28.080 MHz). Please note that since this year EPC members should send signal report plus 5-digit EPC membership number (example – 599 EPC00001). Please make sure that you don’t separate «EPC» from the «Number», and you don’t use any characters between. Please make sure that your EPC number consists of 5 digits! Other stations should send signal report plus QSO number, starting 001 (example – 599 001). You should send your log via E-mail:
Using MixW in this Contest. The new set of files for the MixW data mode software makes your particiapation in the EPC PSK63 QSO Party most enjoyable. You can download this set of files at
Contest Log Checker Software