Archive - January 2018

IOTA 2018 Updates


IOTA enthusiasts are reminded that the last date for mailing applications or score updates to checkpoints for inclusion in the 2018 Honour Roll and other performance tables is 31 January 2018.

If postmarked after that date, they will be processed in the normal way but the scores will be held over to the following year’s listing. It is important that participants who have not updated since the 2013 annual listings and wish to remain listed should make a submission on or before 31 January 2018.

Of interest this year is that in addition to the 2017 IOTA Contest logs a much larger number of logs of IOTA operations on Club Log have recently been made available for QSO matching. Experience to date shows the increased opportunity this offers for building a larger score.

G3KMA, 20 December 2017


A70X (2018) QSL Cards

A70X 2018

Qsl Cards for the 2018 operation from Al-Safliyah Island by the Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS) are now at the print Shop and will arrive here and be dispatched in around two weeks time.

QSL Cards for the 2017 previous activation are also still available. OQRS is open for both activations.

A70X 2018 ob


3B9FR AF-017 FT8


Robert can be foundon FT8 mode from today.

He is a learner on this the newest of the Digital Modes so if you see any mistakes or maybe dupes in the logs, please remember your first time on the mode may have been equally as scary!

Think before you post comments on the DX Clusters!








‘YJ0AG” Vanuatu


From Grant VK5GR;

””I am planning another holiday style DXPedition for 2018″ says VK5GR (E6AG), Grant. Plans are to stay with his family on Efate (OC-035) from April 17 to 29 operating intermittently as YJ0AG.

Grant is awaiting for a copy of his license. He’ll be mostly on digital modes running QRO on 80 through 10 Meters. Those modes include RTTY, FT8, PSK Olivia as well as SSB and some SSTV. He could also do some CW, depending on his “CW training”. Grant says, “I am looking to particularly work unique stations and will be where possible targetting Europe Short Path where YJ is high on the ClubLog most wanted list”. Equipment will include a K3 and KPA500 transmitting into a “G3TXQ UltraLight HexBeam” on 20-10 Meters and a multi-band vertical for 80-10 Meters. While there, Grant hopes to get in the SPDX RTTY Contest.

M0OXO, Charles, will be handling the QSLing duties and prefers requests go through his OQRS for both direct and bureau QSL cards. For DX stations from OC, AF and SA he will “accept calls” at”any time”.


A70X Al-Safliyah Island

as088 BEST

A70X are now qrt from Al-Safliyah Island in Qatar.

Thanks to the Team from Qatar Amateur Radio Society (QARS) who, for the second year running have provided many with the new IOTA (AS-088) and/or needed Band slots with A7.

The full log has now been uploaded both to Clublog and to M0OXO Logsearch where OQRS is now open.

Qsl Cards are being designed for this years event and will be out in due course.