Archive - May 2011

‘Royal Wedding’ event closes…..


Well its all over for me and the ‘MRØOXO‘ logbook is closed for the last time.
The event seemed to be welcomed by most and after 25 hours operating, here
are my results:

06/05/11 – ( 8 hours operating) – 527 Q’s (163 were Japan) All SSB
07/05/11 – ( 7 hours operating) – 167 Q’s (  83 were Japan) All Digi
08/05/11 – ( 4 hours operating) – 143 Q’s (  52 were Japan) All Digi
09/05/11 – ( 6 hours operating) – 164 Q’s (  88 were Japan) All Digi

TOTAL – 1001 Q’s

I was very pleased with how things went and many stations were reporting huge pile-ups
and qso numbers. Band conditions were ok for me albeit most of my contacts were
on 15 and 17m apart from 6 JA stations i managed to bag on 12m RTTY.

Thanks to all the stations that supported me and not least the guys (and one YL!) in Japan
for their part in achieving the 477 JA q’s, it made the event very worthwhile for me so

If you would like one of the special qsl cards (shown above) then click here to find
details of how to claim your confirmation and card. Qso’s are already on LOTW.

Thanks again for supporting our event 😉 and don’t forget, if you need Qsl cards
printing for your Callsign in this or any other event, have a look at UX5UO who
can assist with the printing service!

Sunset Sky Show……


When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. An exquisite crescent Moon is beaming through the twilight.

More verse could be in the offing tonight, (5th May), when the crescent fattens slightly and appears higher above the horizon for even easier viewing.

Check the sunset sky and pray for clear conditions!

Royal Wedding Qsl Cards being issued at UX5UO


Qsl cards are now being designed ready for print at UX5UO.

Below are a few examples but quite a few images to choose from and a fast return on all enquiries.

Drop an email to UX5UO Print and let Gennady give you an idea of what is available and at what cost.

Despite several negative reports, the ‘R’ event seems to have been a great success with huge pile ups for many. Let’s hope for the same interest when the Olympic Games start in 2012!.

Thanks to all OM/YL’s for working the UK guys, you have made the event very worthwhile for us. Also big thanks to Gennady for the fast processing of orders.

**Any questions, you can also contact me by email, txt, or Phone (click here for contact details).

Thanks, Charles