Author - Charles M0OXO

VI100SIG Australia

Celebrating 100 Years of the Royal Australian Corps of Signals 1925 to 2025.
In 2025, the Royal Australian Corps of Signls (RASigs) will recognise its centenary year with a series of events and activities to commemorate and celebrate 100 years of the (Royal) Australian Corps of Signals, which reflects on our past, present, and future.
From the 14th February 2025 special event station VI100SIG will be activated for all modes of communications including CW, SSB and Digital. It is hoped that we may become involved in the annual HF communications exercise facilitated by the Candian Signals Branch called Noble Skywave (
If you are a currently serving or Ex-serving member of the RASigs community and wish to be involved with the activation of VI100SIG, please contact Steve VK4FI or Rob VK2COS to register your interest.
For more information on the events please visit the VI100SIG page on QRZ.Com.

What is ‘Express LOTW’?

What is the Express LoTW option that is available in OQRS?….Let me try to explain the options available around Express LOTW.

Express LoTW is used by DXpeditions and Log Management by the QSL manager. Express LOTW is not a money making addition to our services, but a feature requested by Dx’ers who do not want a physical Qsl Card but want a DXCC Credit in a timely manner. They don’t want to wait Months or even Years for a DXCC Credit when the Dxpedition Teams impose delays, they want if fast and this is why it was introduced as another option.

If you do not want Express LOTW, then wait until the log is uploaded in full.

Express LOTW” – This is an electronic Credit and there is NO QSL Card if you choose this option.

“Express LOTW + Bureau QSL” = A Fast Electronic QSO confirmation via LOTW AND a Paper Qsl Card sent to the Bureau

“Direct QSL + Express LOTW” = A Paper QSL Card sent to your mailbox AND a Fast Electronic QSO confirmation via LOTW. Read More

9X2AW Rwanda

Harald (DF2WO, D44TWO, XT2AW) is back in Rwanda today as 9X2AW.
You will find him on HF +6m and also SAT (QO-100) from his base in Kigali.
Check out his revamped QRZ.Com page for more news and up to date photographs.

TI1RRC Costa Rica ( IOTA NA-117) & more!

This callsign license has been issued by SUTEL in Costa Rica. TI1RRC is part of the RRC Central American Tour – Approx. dates February 11th-March 7th, 2025!
Other stops will include YN6RRC, H7RRC (Nicaragua), and 3F3RRC (Panama) operations (Please note that these callsigns are pending at this time).
QSL VIA: M0OXO and RW3RN (RU/EW only)

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AU2V – Sacrifice Rock, India (IOTA AS-161)

*Breaking News: Sacrifice Rock IOTA Activation on the Horizon!*
After the resounding success of our previous activations at Nachugunta, Kanika, and Sagar, our team has set its sights on the elusive Sacrifice Rock, one of the most coveted IOTA locations among chasers. This ambitious project has been years in the making, and we’re thrilled to finally share the news with the amateur radio community.
Sacrifice Rock, notorious for its challenging terrain, inhospitable environment, and exorbitant costs, has long been considered a “holy grail” of IOTA activations. Our team is determined to overcome these obstacles and bring this rare entity to the airwaves.

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3Y0K – Bouvet (1st February 2026)

3YØK DXpedition to Bouvet Island
– Where we will stay up to 3 weeks around the island
– Team of 18-24 operators
– Budget $1,675,000
We are pleased to announce the completion of a major milestone by having signed a contract with ICETUGS that will take us to Bouvet Island in February 2026. ICETUGS, an Iceland based company, has an excellent track record in providing services for expeditions, cargo and fuel supplies, tugging, as well as rescue and camp setup in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
We also report the signing of the helicopter contract with the Cape Town based Ultimate Aviation. This group will supply us with a helicopter, two pilots and a mechanic for this project. Their crew have broad experience in offshore operations across Antarctica, Marion, Gough and da Cunha Islands, which includes boat to shore, sling and hoist operations associated with police force, military, and private projects. This year they celebrate 10 years of operation in Antarctica 2015-2025. We are confident the helicopter crew and the vessel will make a big difference for us in activating Bouvet Island.

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GB200LB Scotland

Logs have been uploaded to M0OXO OQRS on behalf of Terry (GM3WUX) who is operating a special event station for the story of Louis Braille: Inventor of the Braille Code.
Louis Braille was a French educator who invented a tactile system of reading and writing for the blind and visually impaired in 1824. The system is called Braille and it consists of raised dot codes that are used worldwide to read and write until this day.

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New to QSL’in? – A guide to help

How does the whole QSL Card system work?

Of course I am a little biased on this subject as I am a QSL manager for a number of Stations and therefore I am pretty passionate about the whole ‘traditional’ QSL Card system.

Part of the fun of amateur radio is collecting cards, called QSL cards, from other amateurs that you’ve msde contact with on the radio. Some people like to collect stamps form various parts of the world but hams collect QSLs. If you are also a stamp collector you will find that often a card comes from a distant country with an interesting stamp on the envelope.

Another reason for collecting QSL cards is to participate in the many certificate programs available to amateurs. Whether it’s getting your DXCC, IOTA or WAS Awards, getting cards to confirm contacts with 100 or more DX countries etc, in most instances will need the cards to support your claim for the award.

Read more on this subject by clicking here;

New to QSL’ing?

Express LOTW – Explained

My inbox is clearly showing me that there are a lot of new Operators requesting QSL cards. This is great for the hobby, you are most welcome here, but you may not be familiar with Online QSL Request Systems. Many of you are uncertain how to send a QSL, what is OQRS and many other questions …. So here are some basic do’s and don’ts.

When Requesting a QSL ALWAYS:

  • Check on or DX websites for the QSL Policy.
  • Use Online QSL Request System when you can.
  • Make sure you add your address 100% correctly if prompted on OQRS.
  • Only use ONE QSL route.
    If posting a letter use US$ or €uro notes for return postage according to the QSL Policy.
When Requesting a QSL card NEVER:
  • Never Use more than one QSL route.
  • Never use IRCs, Stamps, Coins or other currencies unless asked to do so.
  • Never send Bureau cards Via M0OXO – No route . USE OQRS ONLY!
  • Never send large, long or small or heavy envelopes for the return QSL.
Always consider searching for the answer to your questions BEFORE emailing the QSL manager. The chance is that the answer will either be on or the QSL managers website. In my case there is a search bar to enter your question.

Always keep an accurate log for your QSO’s and back up the log on and off site. It is not ethical to ask QSL managers for your date and time of the QSO. Don’t ever bother asking! I just laugh!

LoTW – Always check your LoTW account before accusing the QSL manager of not uploading. Logging software is notoriously unreliable with LoTW data. So only refer to data on LoTW account.

Always check the last QSO date and time of the log on OQRS. If your QSO is after that… WAIT until the log is updated. There is no need to send emails to the QSL manager.

What is Express LoTW? – Express LoTW is used by DXpeditions, it has two purposes. Firstly, for those who do not want a Paper QSL card, but who  do want a LoTW upload before the long wait that DXpeditions sometimes impose on uploads.
Secondly Bespoke OQRS uses Express LoTW tool to upload all Direct (Paper) QSL requests, also to LoTW on a daily basis during a DXpedition.
Basically it means ;
“Express LoTW” – NO (Paper) QSL 
“Express LoTW + Bureau QSL” =
LoTW + Bureau (Paper) QSL
“Direct QSL + Express LoTW” = 
Direct (Paper) QSL + LoTW

Seasons Greetings de M0OXO!

Happy Christmas to all from our QTH to yours! M0OXO QSL Service will continue to be available over the next few weeks (although replies may not be as swift 😉).
VP8G Cards are out so watch your mail over the festive period. V55LA cards have not arrived from the Printer as yet and Rotuma (3D2Y) Card design is still in progress by the Team.
Have a great few days break, enjoy the time with your families (or your Radio) and regards to your families for 2025.
Thanks for your support in 2024!
Charles & Debbie