XT2MD Burkina Faso

Make the right question to the right person-don’t be fooled again!
Start the operations is approaching. In order to make everyone happy we would like to remember some useful contacts:
XT2MD’s Official spokesman/social media content M0OXO ([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)
North America Pilot N1DG ([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)
South America Pilot HK3W ([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)
– for LOG problems (busted calls, NIL and so go on…), the only person who has the complete log and is able to check and correct is IK2VUC ([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)
May be you are not in log because you didn’t got the QSO (and you have to try again) or, if you aren’t in log with a bunch of other operators made the QSO after you, may be we are disconnected and you should wait till midnight (log back-up) to see your call.
– for any sked or information about E.M.E. write to DL8JJ ([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)
– for any sked or information about QO-100 write to GI4DOH ([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)
– sked or other info/requests on low bands write to IZ8FFA ([email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)
Feel free to contact those guys if you have questions, information or requests: they will collect your messages and forward to us almost on real time, it will be much quicker and easier than directly contact the expedition crew.
During last TJ9MD we had a terrific digital activity… much before our arrival in Cameroun: in order to avoid to be fooled again by some frustrated jolly fellow, just wait official news about our activity from above mentioned guys!
Just to be clear: XT2MD won’t be on-air before Thursday 31 late afternoon-evening (Time zone: 0).
see you on our (real) pile-up
73 Ant I8KHC
XT2MD Team Leader#